
Rules & Regulations

  • Cryptics 7.0 is open to students from class 6 - 8.
  • There is no entry or registration fee.
  • Every school needs to register with the details of their student participants in the given registration link (in the first page). Each school can have SIX student representatives.
  • Cryptics 7.O All India quiz shall be held online for all the four zones and every zone will have a preliminary round in MCQ pattern.
  • The online meeting link and timing will be intimated through email to the registered email ids.
  • Selected schools will compete in the Quarterfinals, which will be also held online.
  • Quarter-final winners will compete in the Semi-final which will be held offline in the month of November 2024, in Bengaluru.
  • The winners of each Semi-final shall move on to the finals of Cryptics 7.O.
  • The chosen student participants cannot be changed at the last minute.
  • The participant should be ALONE in the room with no external devices/noise for prelims & Quarter-Finals.
  • A LAPTOP with a stable internet connection is a must.
  • Instant disqualification of the participant if found using unfair means or tactics.
  • Every participant will receive an E-Certificate.
  • The grand finale winners will receive exciting gift vouchers.
  • The decision of the organizing committee will be final and binding on all matters related to the Quiz Contest.